Friday 14 November 2008

Being creative

I have been given me this pretty and unusual award by Mima. So it is a big thank you to her for being so kind. I have to list six things which make me happy then pass the award onto six blogs.
The six things that make me happy are:
  • having my husband home
  • our garden
  • seeing all our work on the cottage come to fruition
  • in the summer, a warm sunny day
  • sitting by a log fire in the winter
  • a relaxing bath after a hard day at work
I am passing the award onto three blogs that I have been reading for some time:

imbeingheldhostage - if I could only use one word to describe her blog it would be creative, so I can not, not give this award to her.
strawberry jam anne - for such a creative blog title
moments from suburbia - who always writes about something different

and three enjoyable blogs that I have recently started to read:

millennium housewife
sandi mcbride


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this award. To "meet" new bloggers is a great honour and I am so glad we have found eachother's blog.

Congratulations on receiving the award yourself.

CJ xx

Sandi McBride said...

Thank you so much! I love our Mima and am so glad she passed this on to you. Now I'm glad you passed it on to me!

Maggie May said...

Sitting by a log fire in the evening and relaxing in a hot bath after a hard day..... yes, that seems to be fine by me. And of course the garden and husband and family. All of them really.

word verification was COVENS! LOL

david mcmahon said...

Creativity lies in so many little parts of our life that sometimes go without being acknowledged.

Proud to say I know five of the six bloggers you're mentioned here.

By the way, I think you asked me (earlier this week) why my novel was so expensive on Amazon. Truly, I have no idea and Crazy Cath told me a couple of months ago that she saw a secondhand copy for about 160 pounds!

It's a lot cheaper to buy it from Penguin. If you need details, let me know. As far as I know, new copies are on sale for about S10 plus shipping.

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

CW - thank you so much for this award. I can't really take the credit for the name, but it is a name some friends call me and I decided to use it for my blog.

And I'll add my congratulations to you on receiving the award yourself.

A x

Tim Atkinson said...

Congratulations one and all. And well-desrved!

Suburbia said...

Cheshire wife, thank you so much:) I saw this award tonight on someoneelses blog and thought what a lovely design it was...and now I have one of my own !!

I have sort of done the 6 things this week does that count?!

Suburbia said...

I forgot to say, congratulations to you for recieving it :)

Cath said...

Congrats on your award! I love the blogs you have nominated and mima's.

Just to let you know that Vegemite Vindaloo is available on loan. Will just cost the postage. Pop back over to mine for the link at the bottom of the post which I have now added.

Millennium Housewife said...

What an honour, thankyou so much for my award. Much love MH

imbeingheldhostage said...

Wow, thank you! I am especially honoured after seeing who all you lumped me in there with-- you have some great reads!

I'm putting it in a post right now (will go up Sunday).
Thank you and congrats on your award. I completely ditto your entire list (well except we need to insert having my own husband home) ;-)

cheshire wife said...

Thank you all for your kind comments and congratulations to the award winners.

Akelamalu said...

Congratulations on the award m'deario :)

Gill - That British Woman said...

well done you deserve the award...

Gill in Canada

Mima said...

You very much deserve the award too! I thought it was a pretty one as well, one of the prettiest that I have seen - someone has a good eye for design I think. I love several of the blogs that you have passed it onto!

cheshire wife said...

Mima - thank you once again for the award. I am glad that you approve of my choice of recipients