Tuesday, 1 May 2012

The wrong sort of rain

No doubt most of you are aware the a large swathe of the UK is currently experiencing drought conditions and is subject to a hose pipe ban. We are fortunate in not having a hose pipe ban here in the north west of England, neither do we have any flood warnings. For several days now it has rained stair rods and this was the scene at the end of our garden yesterday morning.

The farmer has ploughed all of his fields except this one, which is now water logged. About two weeks ago he fertilised it. The aroma was so pungent that I had to go out. It was a fine sunny day and I would have liked to be out in the garden, but even in our front garden the smell was to much for me. Just think yourselves lucky that I was not able to collect it and infuse my blog with it! Thankfully the smell has now gone. He should have some mighty good crops.

I always remember a conversation that I had with my mother-in-law, some time ago. I was telling her that I had a list of jobs waiting to be done on a rainy day. She said that they would not get done because it would not be the right sort of rain. I had never heard this before and assume that it must be an Irish idiom as both of my mother-in-law's parents were from Ireland.  But she was quite right, it never is the right sort of rain. This afternoon it was grey, miserable and cold and looked very much like rain. Ignoring the Spring cleaning, ironing, sewing, letter writing and blogging that could all be done in the dry and warm I went down to the greenhouse to sow the last of my seeds and to do the final round of the pricking out. I shall need to do some potting on but not a lot is happening in the greenhouse at the moment. The weather is too cold and wet. The plants and seedlings need more warmth and light which means sun. Not all of this rain, more of which fell whilst I was in the greenhouse. The water butts connected to the greenhouse guttering are probably the only things enjoying all of this wet weather. They are full to over flowing.


GaynorB said...

Rain in the week is one thing, but rain at the weekend is quite another!

Hope it stops soon...

Rob-bear said...

We've had rain for several days in a row, with some sunny breaks. It was a bit dry here, and is now less so.

Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

One of the problems with Great Britain is that it always seems to be the wrong sort of whatever. Here the wrong sort of rain, but also the wrong sort of snow, leaves, etc. etc.

That said, we understand the weather has been absolutely dreadful in recent weeks.

Jennyff said...

Not just the wet it's bitterly cold too, we may resort to daytime tv soon.

cheshire wife said...

Gaynor - so do I.

Rob - there is a crumb of comfort in knowing that we are not the only ones who are suffering.

Jane and Lance - we are a miserable lot!

Jenny - haven't you got any jobs to do?

Akelamalu said...

It's hard to believe with all the rain they've had down south that the hosepipe ban is still in force! I heard this morning that if we have another dry winter(what about all that snow?)stand pipes will be employed next summer!! :0

Leon Sims said...

Just about to walk to the airport shuttle bus and guess what - rain and wind here in Melbourne. Paris will be the same maybe but does it matter - No.....

Maggie May said...

I've just written a similar thing.
This rain is beginning to really get me down now. As for drought...... well its ridiculous.
Thinking of building an ark.
Maggie X

Nuts in May

cheshire wife said...

Akelamalu- we (you and I) are alright here in the north west.

Leon and Sue - enjoy your visit to France and I hope that the weather improves for all of us.

Maggie - you read it here first!

Diane said...

We are fed up with rain here at the moment as well. Definitely not the right sort of rain for us :-) Diane

LindyLouMac said...

Having a catch up with everyones blogs, despite my ongoing computer issues, enjoyed reading your recent posts. I hope your weather has improved by now, I know exactly what you mean about time, how did we ever find the time to go to work!

cheshire wife said...

Diane - rain is fine if you are a

LindyLouMac - the weather has improved a bit but we are still waiting for summer!

Thud said...

The land here around Thornton hough is waterlogged, I want to mow my lawn!