Friday 27 August 2010

Accident prone

Now for a long overdue thank you to Carol at Not Only In
Thailand for this Beautiful Blogger award which she gave to me back in April. It is a good job that you can not see me as recently I have been anything but beautiful, more often than not cut and bruised!

Today I had my final dentist appointment and I am hoping that it has brought to an end the jinx of minor ailments that has haunted me over the last few months. Recently life seems to have a continual fly in the ointment. As healthwise, it just seems to have been one thing after another. The infected cyst was on the mend when washing my hair and trying to keep my neck dry, I either got shampoo in my eye or tilted my neck at an awkward angle resulting in a badly blood shot eye. The eye had about cleared when we had two fine and sunny days. I made the most of the good weather by spending time in the garden. My reward was about a dozen insect bites on my arms and shoulders plus two on each ankle. I looked like I had the plague! And boy did I itch! I took a leaf out of Maggie May's blog and found an ancient bottle of Aloe Vera Gel - purchased abroad several years ago when husband got sunburnt. It had no expiry or use by date but whatever its age it did the trick, for a time. Then I applied some more.

By the following weekend the bites had faded and I managed to bang my arm on the corner of a cupboard in our utility room, giving myself both a cut and a bruise in one fell swoop. Later the same day while eating our evening meal, extremely cold ice cream caught a sensitive tooth. An indescribable sensation travelled up my head like lightening and the next thing that I knew husband was picking me up off the floor. Two bumps to my head, a bruise on each shoulder and a whopping bruise on my left thigh were the result of this incident. Then on Tuesday afternoon, while at work, I noticed that one of my fingers was bleeding. I had not felt any pain. I am not sure if I have become accident prone or if this is some sort of jinx. Maybe I should simply stop getting out of bed.

I realise that by comparison with what some in Blogland have gone through or are going through healthwise, my problems are nothing more than minor irritations. Looking back this all started when I had swine flu back at the end if May and I had to stop going to the gym. So it is back to the gym and soon, hopefully, I shall be both fit and healthy.


Jennytc said...

You have been through the mill, CW. I hope you are beginning to feel better now. Let's hope the rest of the year sees you in much better health.

Rob-bear said...

OH,CW. How horrid! Just one thing after another! Groan!

It seems you are, indeed, an accident looking for a place to happen. Sometimes I'm like that, too.

I'm not sure about recommending a prompt return to the gym, given your current state of affairs. Instead of getting fit, you might get fits. (That, of course, would not do at all — very poor form!)

Rosaria Williams said...

I do hope your health woes are behind. It happens to all of us, sometimes in a trickle, sometimes in a big swoop. Can't avoid trouble in our human forms. Thanks for the visit, btw.

LindyLouMac said...

Oh my goodness you have had a series of unpleasant health issues. Take Care and hope you shake off this accident proneness time you are going though. By the way I agree about the aloe vera, brilliant for insect bites.

Maggie May said...

Sorry to hear that all these minor irritations (some not so minor....) have inflicted you as late.

So pleased that the Aloe Vera has worked for you too. It seems to be marvellous for skin irritations/allergies. Pity it is so expensive....... but worth every penny!
Hoping for peaceful, restful and uneventful days.
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Sandi McBride said...

Good grief, it sounds like a Mr Bean movie. Being a suspicious (retired) Copper of course I would be asking if there is anything you need to tell me, lol...I know it's not funny but you told it in such a way that sorry my dear friend, I was laughing outright at the end. Hope you aren't mad!!!

Working Mum said...

Oh my goodness! This is what my mum would call "a biorhythm low" - when lots of niggly things go wrong and make you feel miserable. Hope you are feeling better soon and back on an even keel.

JJ said...

Just catching up on your trials and tribulations and I'm not at all surprised that you are unwell after the stressful time you have had with your Mum and your brother. When you body runs out of energy and fight, the germs take hold, we lose mobility in turn casing minor accidents and everything goes wrong. been there, got the T shirt.
however, it is natures way of making you slow down, all you need to do is listen to your body and go with the flow. I promise it does work - give it a go.
Best wishes

Akelamalu said...

I hope your recent health problems have come to an end. x

Carol said...

Aww hon, it certainly sounds like you have been through the wars over the last couple of months!! What a list of bumps and bruises!

Hopefully you will have got them all out the way and will be ailment free for some time to come :-)

C x

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

You have been going through it CW. Hope the jinx is gone now.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

I seem to go through similar phases of being an accident waiting to happen...
Hopefully you are on the upside from here on out, although the returning to the gym sounds a bit dodgy :)
Glad to see your back in any shape or form ;)

Sniffles and Smiles said...

Oh, dearie me!!! I'm so sorry...Hope that all of this stops!! You don't need anything more!! Will keep you in my prayers! Love, Janine XO

Rosaria Williams said...

Oh, take good care of yourself. Nobody else will, you know, and nobody knows your troubles, either. I'm learning the hard way, getting knee pains and not being able to walk the way I used to. So, off to the pool and a warm bath on a regular basis. A few years ago I would have waited for things to sort themselves out. Now, I have to assert myself, cause I'm responsible for myself.

Sniffles and Smiles said...

Just checking on you!!! Love you!!! Janine XO

Grumpy Old Ken said...

Good fun getting old,'innit!

diney said...

I've not been around much over the summer, and am just catching up. Sorry to hear about your 'one thing after another' catalogue - that sucks! Hopefully you will be fit enough to go back to the gym - gently at first - which is what I did after avoiding it for 8 weeks (longest ever!). As soon as I had done an hour of aerobics I felt fantastic!!No kidding!! Hope it does the same for you. There's so much life out there to be lived and we can only do it if we feel good inside and out.