I know that we have only just got back from Ireland but we are going away again this weekend to France. Husband has become partial to French wine and we need to restock the wine cellar or rather the wine rack that I bought for his birthday last year, which has languished unassembled in the box for the last thirteen months. With the nights drawing in and becoming chilly, last weekend I suggested that we might use it for fire wood if he was not going to assemble it and this week he has, at last, assembled it. This year's holiday arrangements have not been ideal, but we were asked not to go away while SIL was away, so that either husband or SIL would be around for MIL. However, SIL gave us the wrong dates and we were away, in September, at the same time as SIL!
When we return from this little break, which will be the tenth and final bag packing event of the year, the suitcases will be going up in the loft and the loft door will stay firmly closed until the Christmas decorations need to come down. We have got this bag packing routine down to a fine art now, but I would just like to stay at home for a few weeks and get on top of things instead of permanently trying to catch up with myself. So we shall be battening down the hatches and raising the draw bridge in preparation for winter. By the way we don't have moat - just a flooded path!
Back in about a week.
Are you sure `hubby' hasn't found some ancestors lived in France, and he is now off to view archives again?
You're a woman with patience.
Love Granny
Oh, I am so jealous!! I still haven't taken that jaunt over France. Don't put those suitcases too far back, you may want to take them to Norfolk one day ;-)
And yes, thank you for noticing, Miss Ky is turning three on saturday :-)
Well, since it's going to be your last break of the year you make sure you have a lovely time in France!! Drink lots of lovely wine and eat lots of yummy food!!
C x
You are doing very well in the holiday department!
Have a great time.
Bring back a bottle for me!
Granny - no French ancestors as far as I know. Don't put ideas into husband's head.
imbeingheldhostage - Norfolk is on the list of places to visit, but not this year.
Carol - will be back to the diet when we come back.
MM - we have had one weeks holiday in September and four days away in May. The other seven trips away have been for funerals, birthdays and family matters.
Have a lovely break and say Hello, or rather Bonjour to la belle France for me.
You must be an ace packer-upper by now! Hope you know how to travel light, for the sake of the one who has to carry the suitcases! :)
I am so jealous of your trip. Since we crossed the channel into France and then onto Italy earlier this year we have been longing to get back there. I need to get my husband retired and on the road, the thought of all that wine could be a lever. Have a great time.
I think it sounds great - all the hopping around - but then I haven't travelled for ages. If, like you, I had a demanding job no doubt I would just like to stay put at home and have some restful comfort.
Oh, lucky you! We have wanted to get away all summer and haven't managed it, probably won't now until next year. Enjoy!
eh alors a bientot!!!
Have a wonderful trip!
Hope you have a great time. We've nothing booked until January now, though I wouldn't say no to a week in the sun somewhere!
Frankly, CW,I'm amazed you have any time to blog at all...but until then - a bientot, mon ami.
Ah, French wine...life is good, n'est ce pas? Have a wonderful time!!! We'll see you when you return, and will look forward to hearing all about your trip!!! ~Janine XO
enjoy and get some wine for me please?
Right. Hope you have a delightful excursion in France. By time you get back, I hope to be caught up on your other adventures.
Have fun!
enJOY your trip!! Can't wait to see photos!!
Well in case you're back in time, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope you got a special bottle for the occasion :-)
Hoping the sun shines for you over there!
At least you'll have some lovely wine to cheer you through the autumn and winter months. A
France, lucky you.
BUt hope you're enjoying Chester!
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