Saturday 30 August 2008

Coffee Morning

My husband looked at the calendar last weekend and was surprised to see that I was going to a coffee morning, because his mother went to work to avoid having to go to coffee mornings. Well I am not his mother - I am his wife and I am happy to go to the occasional coffee morning. This one was in aid of the flower club that I go to. The day started with a clear blue sky and glorious sunshine but by the time I was ready to go out, to the coffee morning, it was grey and cold. Nevertheless, we still managed to sit outside in the garden which backed onto one of the local golf clubs. We had looked at a house in this road, but considered the road too busy, so I was interested to see what life could have been like. In addition it was a chance to have a look at an established garden and pick up some ideas, as we are still struggling with our garden. I bought a plant for 50 pence from the plant stall and a small ornament from the bring and buy stall but managed to resist the cake stall and had no luck with the raffle. Also I met two ladies who live in the next village to us. Anything that helps with the cottage and garden and also expands my social life can not be bad. And I managed to work the late shift in the afternoon/evening. I am not trying to have it all. I just want a good balance of social life and work.


Akelamalu said...

It's a good way to get to know people, shame you didn't win the raffle - what was the prize?

imbeingheldhostage said...

I love coffee mornings. It took some getting used to-- making fresh cakes to donate and then watching them be sold for pennies-- but I do love the chance to people watch. I have NEVER won a raffle at one. Even when there's more prizes than people. :-)

DeniseinVA said...

Hello there, it is very nice to get together with other people with the same interests. Sounds like you had a lovely time. I've only once in my life won a raffle. I think it was a tin of Christmas biscuits when I was about 22 and that was it :)

Zip n Tizzy said...

Having two small children constantly round my ankles, a coffee morning sounds lovely.
It's important for us all to get out and just visit with and be around people, particularly when we are living somewhere new, or are cut off for whatever reason.
I however, would have definitely made it to the cake table!

cheshire wife said...

Akelamalu - the raffle prizes were several small flower arrangements, boxes of chocolates and bottles of wine.

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Glad you enjoyed the coffee morning - certainly a good way to get to make new acquaintances. Shame you didn't win anything - better luck at the next one.

A x

Dottie said...

Love the bit about not being his mother, grin. Coffee Mornings are obligatoire in our wee town, and raise a surprisingly large amount of money. Buying raffle tickets is a social necessity, and no, I never win either. Innes is the only lucky one in our family, so he is always given the tickets to hold. Once he won the prize I had donated and hoped never to see again, sigh.