We have had a lovely sunny day here today. Similar to the warm weather that we enjoyed two weeks ago, which was probably the nearest that we are going to get to an Indian summer, or even a summer at all. It has reminded me of the autumn that I started university. The mature pale sun in the baby blue sky was generating the same pleasant autumnal heat that I remember so well from those first few weeks in Bath. The trees are turning and the atmosphere felt just as it did then. It is almost impossible to put the feeling into words. When Keats wrote the phrase 'season of mists and mellow fruitfulness' he should have won an Oscar or a Nobel prize, but I doubt that he got anything. That phrase is probably the best description ever of warm early autumn weather and can not, nor will not ever be improved on.
After the drive from East Yorkshire to Bath, which had taken the best part of a day, my parents deposited me at the university campus, where I had been allocated a room in one of the halls of residence. I was left to do some unpacking while my parents went to check into their hotel for the night, before driving back to Yorkshire the next day. Then they were coming back to collect me to take me out for a meal. In the mean time a mist had descended and my father had difficulty finding the university campus. There were no mobile phones or satellite navigation in those days. I just had to wait and hope that I had not been abandoned.
We do not have a pub in our village so about once a month a bar is set up, for the evening, in the village hall. It is a chance to meet the neighbours. The surroundings are basic and the drink is cheap. It's almost like being back in the union bar.
Do I want to turn the clock back? I am not sure. Probably not.
We used to have to learn that Keats poem at school.
The city of Bath...... lovely! Quite a way for a young girl to go from Yorks though! Bet you enjoyed it in the end.
it's funny isn't it how certain things trigger long forgotten memories.
We have had wonderful weather here too for the last few days and certainly better than most of our summer days. I left Australia in spring on Tuesday and have come to back to a wonderful English autumn - lovely if a bit surreal. And wholeheartedly agree with your comment about Keats' phrase.
Hope you enjoyed your time in the lovely city of Bath.
A x
Bath is such a beautiful place though a bit packed with tourists sometimes.
Your village hall bar sounds fun!
You're sounding on the cusp of nostalgia! Autumn is a reminder of new beginnings because of school and university years, I think.
I never went to Uni so didn't experience the Uni bar. My youngest son however was their best customer!
I hope you don't act like a student at those monthly gatherings? LOL
Oh, I think I'd go back if I could. I always feel nostalgic at this time of year for those first few weeks at university.
Lovely post, I often reflect to days gone by.
Autumn turns me introspective as well. This is a great time to reflect on-- university and striking out on your own. The mists here are wonderful(except when you're driving in a new area), I love the way October looks here in the UK.
lovely post..........
just wanted to say your idea of menu planning is a great one.
Gill in Canada
Maggie May - yes, Bath was a long way from home but after a disagreement with my father, over the hours I kept, I decided to go to university as far away from home as possible. I never regretted it.
SJA - I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Bath. It is a beautiful city and I will always love it.
The dotterel - yes, I would go back for those first few weeks at uni for the social life, which was great but not the studying and the exams.
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