- Closing the curtains, when the sun shines, to stop the carpets from fading.
- Keeping the house tidy. Husband's predecessor told me that my house looked too tidy to be lived in. I am a bit more relaxed about it now that I am married to the most untidy man in the world.
- Our garden, I could be out in it 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Weeding, dead heading, tidying up and pottering around.
- Neil Diamond - Husband and I went to see him at the MEN arena in Manchester last year. It was the best concert that I have been to and I could listen to him all day, but I don't.
- Keeping up to date with all the blogs that I want to read and also keeping on top of mine.
Sandi McBride
Sniffles and Smiles
Withenay Wanders
And I am also going to pass the award on to any blogger who is prepared to list their five obsessions, which I shall look forward to reading.
Ha ha.... It is always interesting to read about other people's obsessions!
Wish I shared your obsession with housework. I think one of mine must be to delay doing any!
Nuts in May
Neil Diamond - yessss!!!
Darling Girl, I thank you for this really classy award! I will wear it with pride and be passing it on soon!
MM - it is not really housework. It is general tidyness.
Jennyta - good to meet a blogger who is also a Neil Diamond fan.
Gosh I'll really have to think about this one but thankyou so much for passing on the award to me. :)
CW, Oh, thank you!!! You are so very, very kind...It may take me a while to get to all this...I'm really not doing very much with awards right now...but for YOU, I will try...You are such a treasured friend!!! Thank you!!! And I think your list of obsessions is terrific!! Neil Diamond...now there's a class act!! And housework...well...not an obsession for me...but rather a necessary evil...LOL...Love you so much!! Janine XO
Maggie May took the words out of my mouth - NOT doing housework until absolutely necessary, seem like a wonderful obsession to me!
S&S and Jinksy - I didn't mention housework! I am referring to putting things away rather than leaving them all over the place.
I loved reading your obsessions CW; number one made me smile the most! (Do carpets actually fade in the sun or is that just a Cheshire Wife's Tale?)
Only five?? I think I'll have to do some pruning! Still, with you on the curtains. And the tidying. And Neil Diamond. And pretty much everything...
Helen - yes, the sun can fade carpets.
The Dotterel - I think that five is plenty.
Obsessions is such a good theme. You can have Neil Diamond (yes, I do like him but am not obsessed) and I'll have Audrey Hepburn!
Scriptor Senex - sometimes you have to exagerate a bit.
I used to share your obsession with housework, until I moved into this house, now its a lost cause, as it never looks any better!!
Great post.
Gill in Canada
I used to be a tidy person and then - like you - married someone very untidy. I couldn't cope at first - we were forever arguing and then quite a few years ago I just decided to tidy up after myself and leave his slop behind. Result - I am less tense and he is getting better at picking up all the things he just flings around.
I loved reading your list - I'm the world's laziest gardener and I ought to be inspired by your dedication.
Hi, thanks for visiting me. I see we have a few friends in common, frequent the same shopping outlets, or drink up at the same canteens. Nice to meet you.
Gosh, CW I do wish I were obsessively tidy and keen on weeding. I like the house and garden to look good, but am not good at the craft, alas.
Playing in the garden and listening to Neil Diamond are not quite obsessions of mine, but I enjoy them.
But sun on th carpet? Well, we all have our own idiosyncrasies. IN my den, there isn't enough light hitting the carped to be of concern. Other things, however, do hit the carpet, and eave a mess. Such things occur when one has a puppy.
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