Friday 27 November 2009


Whether we like it or not change has to happen. Sometimes it is for the better. Sometime it is for the worse. All change takes times to adapt to and any change can be stressful. This year my family has had to cope with a number of changes. Those that have affected husband and I the most have been moving, my mother the 250 miles from her bungalow in Sussex to the care home, not far from us in Cheshire, where she is now resident, and changes to husband's work contracts.

I have now got into a routine of visiting my mother, once a week on a Monday or Tuesday afternoon. When she has not been well, I have visited her more often. Since Mum came up here I have had to buy her practically a whole new wardrobe of clothes and seem to have spent more time sewing on buttons and doing running repairs for her than I have spent on my own clothes.

For the 21 months up until April, husband had been working away from home Monday to Thursday or Friday. From April to August he worked in Manchester, commuting from home. Then until two weeks ago husband was at home 'resting'. There will be more about that in another post. Now we are back to him working away from home Monday to Friday. While husband was at home 'resting' I decided that I would take some time off work so that I could be at home with him. Usually when he is home 'resting', I am busy working and it is a missed opportunity to get some jobs done in the house and garden. Now I have as much work as I want until the end of the year and I am also trying to catch up with all those jobs that did not get done when husband was home, that were put off, postponed or left until another day. So over the last few weeks it has been all change here.

However, there are some things, in this ever changing world, that do not change. On Tuesday the electrician came to do a job for us and was unable to do it, because our cabling is not up scratch and needs to be relaid and my laptop computer ceased up yet again. Luckily husband was able to sort it out, over the phone.


Carol said...

Hmmm, they say that a change is as good as a rest....I'm not convinced they are right!!

C x

Maggie May said...

Things do cause us to have to change.
We have had to do a lot of that lately.
Some changes are not so good, but life is all about changing as nothing ever stays the same.

Nuts in May

French Fancy... said...

It sounds like you are one busy person and I love the idea of you 'resting' at home together. Let's hope future changes go in your favour.

Zip n Tizzy said...

That photo is very apropo.
Change can be scattering and unsettling, but ultimately always moves us forward.
To getting those jobs done!
(Or at least started ;)

Sniffles and Smiles said...

Dear CW,

So much that you have had to contend with!! I pray that any change that you must deal with in the near future will only be good!!! All my love to you, dear CW!!!! ~Janine XOXO

cheshire wife said...

Carol - I am not convinced either!

MM - life would be boring without change, but we do need changes to be for the better.

FF - husband might be resting, but I never am.

Zip n Tizzy - glad you liked the photo. I was concerned that people would wonder why I had included it.

Sniffles - if only we knew what the future held for us.

CG said...

We've had a lot of changes too; I don't do well with change but we don't have much choice usually, do we? I sympathise about the electrician thing; I dread getting anyone in to do even an apparently "simple" job as it always turns out to entail much unexpected expense!

Gilly said...

Life never stands still, does it? Just when you think its sorted, off it goes again, in a different direction!

Hilary said...

Good or bad.. it's inevitable .. best to roll with it if you can and fight what you can't. Wishing you only happy changes

Jan said...

Good post and one we can all nod heads to...

Akelamalu said...

Nothing stays the same and change can be good. My life will be changing drastically in 3 weeks time when I retire! :)

cheshire wife said...

CG - I now exactly what you mean.

Gilly - you are so right.

Hilary & Jan - thank you.

Akelamalu - happy retirement.

imbeingheldhostage said...

Do we have the same Electrician? Oh wait, my problems are with a plumber that waits a month to finally say he's not up to a certain job.

The picture you used to illustrate this post is a perfect "change" picture. Where did the summer go?

Valerie said...

It's been quite an upheaval for you. You need some settling down time now. I hope your Mom settles in well at the care home.

cheshire wife said...

imbeingheldhostage - all tradesman are the same! Yes, where did summer go?

Valerie - the current arrangement should last for three months and it is an arrangement that we have had before, so it is more a matter of catching up with things.

Jennyff said...

I think its the changes that are forced upon us that are hard to accept, probably something to do with lack of control. Now that I'm retired I expect my life to be fairly samey but who knows what's round the corner. Well tomorrow its the boiler man coming to service our aged system, I expect tutting and sighs before bad news.

Sandi McBride said...

There are so many changes in our lives right now that I am convinced gremlins line up to throw us off kilter! Glad your Mum is closer by and you have the opportunity to visit'll be able to cherish that for years to come.

Rosaria Williams said...

"Resting"? You knew what he needed to do, right?

Life is always changing; sometimes too fast.

cheshire wife said...

Jenny - I hope that the boiler was given a clean bill of health.

Sandi - I would like to get hold of those gremlins.

lakeviewer - it would be nice to stand still for a bit.

Sniffles and Smiles said...

Hope all is well, dear CW...Thinking of you...Love, Janine XO

cheshire wife said...

Sniffles - thank you for your comment. I am fine and busy. The day job is getting in the way.

Rob-bear said...

Just about the time you figure out the game, somebody changes the rules!

Also intrigued about the notion of your "resting" when you had husband under foot.

And the one things that does not change: Murphy's Law.

Do hope things get better. Promptly.