I suspect that the things that I like to do are pretty much the same as every other blogger. Anyway, here goes.
- Having husband home - at the moment he works away from home Monday to Friday. So weekends are special.
- Gardening - when the weather is good, reasonable or even just alright I could be out in the garden, 24 hours a day, pottering around, but there has not been much chance of that since the cold weather began in December.
- Reading - another pastime that I could do all day, but at the moment there are too many other things that need doing and the only time that I have for reading is when I go to bed at night.
- Cooking - I like to try out new recipes when I have the time, but cooking is not to be rushed and I don't have much spare time. So we live on tried and tested dishes.
- Blogging - I wouldn't do it if I did not enjoy it and it is always a thrill to read comments. As with most things there are not enough hours in the day to do as much blogging as I would like.
I can relate to all of these, I could have written this myself.
I work weekends so my husband and I tend to have one day a week together, cuts down on the arguments ;)
I consider you my friend, and thank you for the gift ....
I think I might list all your five things as well! Perhaps not the gardening, but right now I am so tempted to abandon the computer and snuggle up in bed with my book.
In fact, I think I might do so!
Congratulations! We could all relate to blogging, reading, gardening, cooking....
It comes down to finding time to experience as many things as possible between work and necessary chores. Life as we want to live it gets pressed out of our pages too often.
Call me miserable, I'm not a fan of blog awards and even less a fan of making lists, but I like the idea of being your friend and I identify with what you like.
Brit - I hope that you don't argue too often!
CW - thats where I am off shortly.
lakeviewer - nice to know that we have interests in common.
Jenny - I am pleased to have you as a friend.
Yet another blogging friend who agrees with your choices. Slight differences are that my husband is home full time and he does more of the cooking than I do!
It would also be impossible to choose just ten out of the many friends I have made in the blogging world.
Yep, I can relate to all your list of good things. How are you adjusting to weekday separations? It's hard isn't it?
Oscars, Baftas, Brits... I've made my own up. It's called the 'Charlie'. Would you like one?
LLM - my husband get off lightly. He hardly ever cooks.
FF - husband works away a lot,so I am used to him being away, but we didn't get married to live apart.
Dot - yes, thank you. I'll have a 'Charlie'. It would be rude to refuse.
I can go with all of those too, except that hubby is retired so I have him every day not just at weekends! :)
Congrats on the award.
I just can't imagine enjoying cooking. Probably because I can't cook anything. I enjoy eating does that count?
I'm not here looking to pick up awards, but just wanted to say hi! I know about the husband away for long stretches of time thing ... sounds like you're coping marvellously :-)
Akelamalu - you are lucky.
Alex - I suppose that you can count eating.
MWM - sometimes I cope, sometimes I don't.
Yes, that could be me, aparft from being a fiendish gardener! But being retired, I do have a bit more time to experiment with cooking, and get some reading done!
There has to be some good in getting old!!
I relate to most of your points. I don't collect awards but I offer my congratulations on being given this one.
What a lovely list. Just what mine would be if I didn't have work and daughter getting in the way! (Just joking)
I made a new year resolution to try a new recipe every week and it's been great finding lovely new things to make and eat, you should try it. My favourite so far has been homemade falafel. Who knew it would be so easy and delicious?
Gilly - I am pleased to learn that there are some advantages to growing older.
Valerie - awards aren't for everyone.
WM - I like your new recipe idea.
I can go along with three of your list CW. Husband is at home a lot of the time, so that is OK and the gardening I used to love but now of course we don't have a garden but that is a relief to me. Hope I can be considered a friend. A
Things that I can relate to as well.
Good choices.
Nuts in May
Well I enjoy sitting in my garden reading a book and eating things and occasionally taking the laptop outside to blog there, does that count?
...first visit for me via FireByrd. Am looking forward to being counted among your friends.I can relate to all your choices apart from cooking.My role is the admirer, taster, and appreciator. I also volunteer to do the cleaning up for a husband who loves every aspect of cooking while I dislike it, tending just to throw things together. Works well.
SJA - I have always considered you as a friend.
MM - thank you for your visit. I know that you are not feeling too good.
FB - I am sure that they do.
Pam - must be nice to be cooked for. I am not sure about the cleaning up.
I've lost my comment so try again.
I agree with most of what you say except my hubby is home all day, every day(!).
Have a good Sunday
Thank you so much for deciding to follow me, especially as you are the excitng number 60. It's been 59 for a while so to have got into the next decade is thrilling so to speak!
I too can relate to all those things, however dh is working six or seven days a week, however he does come home on a night, so that's good.
Gill in Canada
Thank you, CW, friend, for the gift and the invitation. The result is on my "Chrome" blog (or will be soon).
Ahhh, you managed that just perfectly :-) Congrats on your award (I hate having to specify too-- there's so many great bloggers that deserve recognition, how could I pick just ten?).
We certainly share a joy for the same things. Although I have to add staying up late and getting up late to my list. Congrats on this award - and I, too, can't wait for warmer weather to get after my yard.
JJ -you lucky to have husband at home.
FB - looking forward to following you.
Gill - life can be hard.
Rob - I have seen it.
imbeingheldhostage - it was the easy way out!
MLJ - how did you know that I am an owl too?
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