The return of Cheshire Wife.

Jobs that could not be put off and problems of one sort or another have got in the way recently, meaning that I have not had the time for my blog, but I do intend to return to writing it, when I have got on top of things. In the mean time I am going to try to catch up with my visiting to find out what you have all been up to. For now I shall leave you with this photograph, that I took at Great Dixter, of a stunning paeony.
Nice to see you back. My peonies are still buds, the one in your photograph is stunning! :)
Welcome back!!!
Stunning is right!!!! Gorgeous!!!! Glad you're back; we ALL missed you!!! ~Janine XO
Glad you are back.
My peonies are over now & want dead heading. Gorgeous flowers. Great photo.
Gorgeous, if only I could grow them (and I can't blame the soil being a Cheshire Wife myself!)
Because we've all been there, you know we forgive you and are waiting for your words to pour out like a river!
Hello there
Nice to see you back
Wondered where you'd got to
Its a bit annoying when life gets in the way. For you I mean lol
Love that picture - peonies are one plant I don't grow.
Take care
Never do what today what can be put off 'til tomorrow, especially if you think you might be able to find someone else to do the job tomorrow.
Failing that, I guess you have to do the job yourself, which accounts for your absence. I've missed you, as have others.
On the other hand, this could be a Cheshire Cat impersonation. Only you've left us a beautiful picture in place of the proverbial smile.
Don't worry about being away....we all know what it's like when you have loads of things to do and not enough time to do them in!!
Nice to have you back
C x
Love the way the sunshine is dappled, rather than being full on. Great photo.
Just love blowsy roses and peonies, especially if they are pink.
Missed seeing you around.
I so wish I could grow peonies in Texas. Beautiful photo. Welcome Back.
Akelamalu - one of our peonies is out but the other three are still only buds.
MM - it must be warmer where you live.
Helen P - Cheshire soil varies a lot. Only half a mile from us are gardens full of rhododendrons which we can not grow.
Lovely to see you back! We can't grow paeonies - but we have loads of rhododendrons and azaleas - acid soil this half of our town.
And Mow Cop is well worth climbing up for the view!
Beautiful! enJOY your day!
Lovely, and great idea-- I need to dig out a really peaceful picture and then hang a sign that says "I'll be back when the summer's over" or something similar.
Enjoy your blog reading time-- that is the best part about all of this, isn't it?
That is a beautiful peony. Good luck with whatever you're up to
Good to see you CW. I have been busy lately as well and now hoping to catch up a bit. Lovely paeony - pretty colour. A x
She was...thank you! So glad you are back...hope all is well with your mum, and that she has settled in nicely!!! And that life is calming down a little for you!!! ~Janine XO
Beautiful paeony!
My very favorites.
Just remember. Real life comes first!
Zip n Tizzy - you are so right about real coming first and without it most of us would not have much to blog about.
We have peonies in our new garden, but not as stunning as yours! Look forward to catching up on your news when you are back.
Catharine - it is not our paeony. It is in Christopher Lloyd's garden at Great Dixter.
Know the feeling!
I will miss you especially...but I will return as soon as I can...and you can be sure that I will run by your place for a cup of tea as soon as I do :-) ((hugs))~Janine XX
Hope things are going well and that your mum has settled into her new home.
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