Many of you will have already seen
this article and be aware of the furor that it has caused in blogland. I know that the article is now nearly two weeks old, but I only came across it on Friday afternoon. Although we take
The Times I did not read the article in the hard copy as it did not register with me that an article accompanied by the photograph a of a tarty looking girl would be about blogging. The article writes disparagingly about social networking via Blogs, Facebook and Twitter, heavily criticising the 'nothing is off limits' culture of some.
Don Mills Diva was just one of the bloggers quoted without her full knowledge. She has started a campaign to 'respect the blog' which you can do by putting this logo

on your blog, linking it to her article, leaving a comment and writing a post about it yourself if you feel strongly enough.
Now onto a more pleasant aspect of blogging. I have been given this rather novel Lemonade award by
A Brit in Tennessee, who is a Cheshire expat.

I had seen this award on other blogs and liked the look of it. Thank you to A Brit in Tennesse for thinking of me. Now I have to pass the award on to eight blogs which show great attitude or gratitude. Not an easy task. I am sorry that this award is not a BAFTA or a Grammy and that it is not something stronger. My nominations are as follows:
Congratulations to you all! Now it just leaves me to propose a lemonade toast to the respected blog.
Thanks Cheshire Wife for thinking of me!
Respect The Blog and congrats on the award m'dear.:)
in the spirit of bafta, grammy adn oscar....oh my gosh thank you very much!!!thank you mum, dad and great aunt Bertha....and everyone who knows me, sorry I didnt expect this.....and who is that other awful woman who didnt win this award...ah ms jolie, YA BOO SUCKS..
in other words thank you very much..I so love these awards and what they signify in blogland..
Well, thank you. I shall uncork the lemonade forthwith!
Thank you CW - I appreciate this award and gratefully accept.
More power to blogland! A x
Thank you very much!! I feel honoured that a blogger I respect and enjoy would think of me to pass an award on to.
Congrats on yours! Write on!
Thanks for thinking of me. As far as I know this is my first award so obviously Im quite proud!
Respect the Blog indeed. I saw a recent BBC news item saying that it was the bloggers who revealed the recent Icelandic banking crisis. The press and government had tried to keep it under wraps and the bloggers spread the word.
It's a public service in a way - the power of the people. Well, mine's just trivia - but perhaps one day...
Sorry this is off-post, but I could not find your email address.
In answer to your comment `` am intrigued. Did you take this photo from the inside or the outside of the plane?''
Yes, it was taking from outside!
And in answer to your sentence: ``I am not sure if I thanked you for advising me how to get hold of a copy of your book Vegemite Vindaloo. I have been meaning to tell you how much I enjoyed reading it. Until recent events you made Australia sound like the promised land.''
I am delighted to hear that you enjoyed the book. It would be great to catch up one day and to be able to personally inscribe the novel for you.
thanks for drawing my attention to the respect the blog campaign, cheers, and I have duly posted, and many congrats for the award!!
David - thank you for coming back to me. Yes, it would be good to catch up with you some time.
Congratulations on your unusual award!
Well I never. imagine that that mighty Newspaper is so concerned about our mental health...we seem to be surrounded by Nannies, not only of the State but the fourth Estate. Of course there will be abuses, idiots are everywhere. Blogging is harmless. So, we are all bored, looking for gratification,recognition, applause? Yes, there is a smidgen of truth in all that I suppose, but then, so what? Who are we hurting? Respect the Blog? I'll say.
thanks very much and so sorry for not visiting sooner- much appreciated it really is XX
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