For now I shall leave you with this recently taken photograph of daffodils in the lane where I live, taken from the opposite direction to the one on my side bar.
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
I am not trying to predict the result of the general election. At the moment I am snowed under with jobs that I have been putting off and trying to avoid doing - letters to write, phone calls to make, sewing, mending and ironing so that I have some clothes to wear. Then the cottage needs Spring cleaning. Everything in the garden is now staring to grow and needs attention. Also there is the day job. I know that it is only part time, but it can not be ignored. So reluctantly, I have decided that I shall have to have a break from my blog to allow myself to catch up with things.

For now I shall leave you with this recently taken photograph of daffodils in the lane where I live, taken from the opposite direction to the one on my side bar.
For now I shall leave you with this recently taken photograph of daffodils in the lane where I live, taken from the opposite direction to the one on my side bar.
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Oh, lovely lane, though you must take time away from it all. Hope you'll be back soon.
Lovely time to take a break CW and catch up on those outstanding chores. Gaze out of your window (or down your lane) from time to time and enjoy the view of the daffodils whilst they last. Look forward to hearing from you again soon. A x
Oh, I COMPLETELY understand!!! Take all the time you need, and we'll be here when you return!! I shall miss you very much!! Love you, Janine XO
I insist on seeing photos of the shiney things when you com eback!
Bless your heart, I understand! Remember to take care of you.
Well I shall miss you but you will remain on my sidebar and I'll wait for you to pop to the top with a new post.
In the meantime look after yourself - you're so busy with home, work, life, mum that 'you' probably gets left behind sometimes.
Enjoy your break and make sure YOU COME BACK SOON!!! xx
Love the daffodil lane. Feel compelled to walk to the end of it and see whats round the corner.
I am all behind with reading posts too.
Everything gets done in time & look forward to your visit when you can.
Nuts in May
Take your time, there's no rush. Oh boy, I'd love to wander along your lane.
What a lovely lane to live down. :)
What everyone else has said....
Have a lovely break and 'see' you when you come back!
C x
I know how you feel. Enjoy your break x
Real life beckons, take care and hope to see you here again soon.
Not for ever I hope.
I will miss you CW:( Enjoy your break and hopefully it will not be so long before you return♥ Linda xoxo
About to burst, I'd say. Don't be gone long.
We wait and wait for spring and then all of a sudden its here and so much to do. Take time to admire those daffs.
Oh dear...another friend going away. Please come back soon but meanwhile enjoy the break and the promised sunshine.
Just popped over to let you know that there is an award for you over at mine :-)
C x
Just stopping in to send you my love! Hope you are digging your way out! Love, Janine XO
Things do pile up, don't they?
For various reasons (having baby, moving house, renovating) I don't think I've done a Spring Clean for about five years. I think it will have to be reinstated from next year!
There are times when real life interferes with blogging. I've just been through one of those times myself.
Take some time, do some things, and have some fun! We'll be here when you get back, waiting for whatever stories you may wish to tell us.
me too - it's ben a goood break for me, and hope for you too. Time to recharge batteries!
you may not have been referring to the election result - nevertheless I think your headline is a good prediction.
Just checking to make sure you're OK.
Hope things are going well.
Just want you to know that you are in my thoughts, and that I hope all is well!!! Love you! Janine XO
Hoping that you've dug yourself out (or been dug out) from under the landslide.
LOOK forward to your return. Blogging is time consuming....and yet looking fiorward to reading you again!
Missing you...and wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts! Sending much love, Janine XO
This is the Bear, just checking in. Hope your OK.
Blessings on your journey!
Hi CW - am so sorry I have not been around and visiting for such a long time. Your first paragraph summed up my life exactly too! There simply is not enough time to do it all, is there?
I hope you are managing to catch up with yourself a bit and regain some control. It is such a horrid feeling when you feel it all getting on top of you (I am in the same position right now - and always, it seems!!)
Hope you have been enjoying the lovely weather - and thank you for the pretty photos - I adore the lanes around here in April, daffodils everywhere. Gorgeous, and so uplifting on a sunny day.
Thank you for all your kind comments and good wishes. I apologise for not responding sooner. We have been away twice in the last few weeks. Unfortunately it is taking longer than I had hoped to dig myself out from the landslide, but I hope to return to my blog soon.
Just stopped by to say "hello", I'm sure you are busy taking care of life and all of it's demands, but wanted to say I miss your posts, and come back soon !
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