A few hours after struggling to post Eros in a Small World my laptop collapsed with a high temperature (it had over heated). I poked it, prodded it, swore at it and nearly threw it out of the window. Husband was out at the time. When he came home he cast his consultant's eye (computer not medical) over it and phoned A&E (the local computer shop), who said to bring it in straight away which he did. I had expected that it was going to be rushed to ITU to be monitored overnight (they have some sophisticated monitoring/diagnostic equipment), so was surprised to find, when husband phoned the following day, that my laptop was still waiting, on a stretcher in A&E, to be assessed. It was not until the next day that a diagnosis of it needing a heart and lung transplant (a new hard drive) was made. Surgery was scheduled for the following day and after a speedy recovery, we had the laptop back home. It then needed a few days recuperation to build up its strength (while the necessary software was installed), before I could have it back to use.
I have told my laptop that to let me down once was unfortunate, to let me down twice was a mistake and that if it lets me down again I shall be replacing it with a newer, younger model.
In the mean time I have been using the desk top computer, in our study, to try to catch up with my visiting, when I have been able to get to it. Every time that I have nearly caught up with my visiting, several bloggers publish posts and once again I slip down the greasy pole. So I have given up trying to get my visiting up to date. Rest assured that if I normally read your blog and have not done so recently, that it will be on my list of blogs to read.
And now for something different - an award!
I was given this One Lovely Blog Award sometime ago by the multi-talented Janine at Sniffles and Smiles and have not got around to doing anything about it, because of being in and out of Blogland, at the whim of my laptop and a few other problems.

I have decided to give the award to fellow bloggers who are my neighbours here in the north west of England.So you see there are a few small benefits to living in this area and the recipients are as follows:
CG - the compulsive worrier who is also a librarian and photographer and mother to two lovely daughters
Helen P - who has recently ghost written the biography of local millionaire Rob Lloyd
Scriptor Senex - who rambles from his chair
A Brit in Tennessee
who is a Cheshire expat living in Tennessee.
You are very patient with your laptop, giving it many chances! Most would have traded it in........ Hope it is going to behave in future.
Glad to have you back!
MM - I am not realy patient. I have a tight fisted husband.
Computer problems can be soooo frustrating!!! Glad you've got your laptop back :-)
Congratulations on the award
C x
Loved the poorly sick analogy CW and thank you very much for the award (not sure if I have to do anything, just accept it? I'm chuffed!)
Just thought I'd mention that when I click on to the 'Post a Comment' section of your blog I am now getting a scary message saying I might compromise the whole website (!) but took a chance anyway and think my blog and yours are still breathing?
Thank you for the warning about my 'Post a Comment' section.
Display the award on your blog and pass it on if you want to.
Thank you for the award. I can fully sympathise with your comment - "Every time that I have nearly caught up with my visiting, several bloggers publish posts and once again I slip down the greasy pole." These bloggers have a nasty habit of doing that don't they!
Good to hear your laptop has recovered from surgery :)
Congrats on the award.
Thank you so much! and lets hope the laptop heeds your warning and behaves itself!
Is there anything more frustrating than a lap top with a mind of it's own? Well a PC with the same codition.
Just now getting around to visiting, so sorry to read of your computer woes, I have been experiences computer trouble myself lately, and posted about it..
Thank you for the award, I am truly humbled.
I shall display it proudly, and will as soon as possible pass it along to fellow bloggers.
Lovely to catch up with you !
Hi, nice to meet a Cheshire lady. I just found your site and want to commiserate over your laptop problems. I've had loads of trouble but mine was due to Internet Explorer, which has now been binned. I love the way you wrote about it ... smiles
I hate the bloody things but can't imagine life now without a computer. How sad is that!
I agree computers drive us mad but when they work well we love them and they have brought us all together in a way unimaginable to previous generations. Don't know about you but I'm not really interested in how they work, I just want to get on line. Hope your IT problems are over soon.
Computer troubles are the worst! I hope yours is on the mend soon!
Well done on your award, probably a welcome surprise after the computer troubles.
I was having problems myself when I upgraded to Internet Explorer 8 (I have Vista). However, I've now scrapped IE altogether and have started using Mozilla Firefox at many people's recommendations. I have to say (touching wood) no problems and it seems a lot faster too.
CJ xx
Oh, my laptop drives me crazy sometimes! Of course, it's the computer, not the user! LOL! Congrats on your award!
Thanks for stopping by my site. Please feel free to come back and visit anytime, I'll leave the light on for you!
I think my lap-top might be overheating too, judging by the temperature of my lap. Help!
The Dotterel - sorry I am not the person to ask for help.
I'm trying to catch up on my blog list too! Bad luck with your lap top and well done for perservering with it! And well done for that award too... X
Don't ever worry about catching up on blogs. I've learned it is an impossible task.
Hope you get your lap top back in working order soon.
Hope you are sorted now CW. So frustrating! Congratulations on your award. A x
What a nightmare. I do feel for you. I'm really glad I don't have Vista. You could wait for the new Windows thingy and then get a new laptop. Hope you haven't lost too much precious stuff.
Congrats on your award. That naughty lap top needs to have a word with itself.
To err is human; to really mess thing up you need a computer. And nothing will mess things up like a surly computer.
But your telling of the tale is the most delightful part.
Happy blogging!
I too have a lack of patience, luckily I have a dh who can fix things........
Fingers crossed it does behave itself.
Gill in Canada
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